So I seem to have problems with both periodic AND size-triggered digests. Size first, this is simpler. Just got one sent out, clearly triggered by a new email getting added to the queued up messages, but the setting for the list is the default 30KB and the digest came out at 23.2 KB. Is it measuring the accumulated queue as size on disk including metadata and filesystem block sizes or something, rather than the size of what the emailed digest will be?
Periodic is much more complicated, even to explain. I have the cron job running nightly at 11:00 PM and it certainly seems to be working, except for one really odd thing. The list also definitely has periodic digests enabled in the web UI. This is a very bursty list, so it will go mad with traffic for a few weeks and then will go mostly idle for a month or so. The first digest of a burst is definitely size-triggered, but pretty reliably it has the last few messages from the previous burst in there. So the one I got today had three messages from today and one message from May 4th. But that May 4th message should have gone out at 11:00 PM on May 4th with the daily digest and then gotten flushed from the pending digest queue, right?
-- Joel Lord