We finally migrated from Mailman 2.x to a Mailman 3.x several months ago. We have had some issues with people who are active list members not being able to login with their user creds and when trying to use the 'Forgot Password' link to reset, being told their user account does not exist. They can submit email to the list and get copied on other list traffic.
I just started looking at a user and a list in both the Postorius and Django admin web UIs and found:
in Postorius:
- list exists, has 20K plus subscribed members and has 3 list owners
- user exists and is subscribed to this list
in Django:
- in HyperKitty section
- in the Mailing lists page, the list exists, no idea about members BUT it has 147 owners (also the same 147 moderators)
- in the Emails page, there are 149K plus entries
- in the Profiles page, there are 147 entries
- in the Accounts->Email addresses page, there are only 155 entries
- in the AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION->Users page, there are 147 entries
- in HyperKitty section
Should Mailman 3.x have created user accounts for everyone when importing the data from the old server?
To correct the issue on a case by case basis, can I as a server admin do something via the web UI or CLI or do we need to remove the email address from the list and ask the person to create a new account using that address and to resubscribe to the specific list or other?
Thanks, David Goldsmith