Hi, Mark. Thank You for trying to help me. I do not remember how exactly I installed mailman or by apt-get or: $ sudo pip3 install mailman ---I think, have tried this way, but it already was installed. ~/mailman-suite$ mailman info GNU Mailman 3.2.2 (La Villa Strangiato) Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] config file: /home/user/mailman-suite/mailman.cfg db url: sqlite:////home/user/mailman-suite/var/data/mailman.db devmode: DISABLED REST root url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/ REST credentials: restadmin:Rest_password
MTA works correctly. Yes, I understand the error is very strange, but this exactly happens when I add footer custom template to list's regular message via web interface. "telnet loclhost 25" answers correctly. Messages about new members adding and new list creating works and reach the recipients. But Mailman for some strange reasons could not to sent messages from member to other list's members. And nothing to do more: it is enough to delete template and mailman starts send new messages correctly. One remark all messages during with customs template was active remain somewhere in between and do not go out even if template is deleted. I can't even imagine how to debug that. I have noticed that by experience - method to check does mailman work after every small update. This system is so easy to make not working, and then is so hard to understand what did happen.
It would be good to read about working example how to setup, and which moments are important. There are many places documented about separate packages, but not full example. I have found one here https://lab.uberspace.de/guide_mailman-3.html, but here part of steps seems are not written as well. For example uwsgi ini and pre required environment. It could happen that for author these steps were trivial, but for person from side some small explanations are very important to understand whole picture of setup and why small parameters where set exactly that way. Of course I am very thankful for authors of that example, because that helped me as well.
2019-08-23, pn, 20:28 Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> rašė:
I have read documentation, but still have stupid questions, could You
On 8/23/19 8:11 AM, ugniusviln@gmail.com wrote: please help, because I can't make it working. I do not understand something important. I have no experience with python at all. I have mailman 3, python 3.5 in my debian OS system, and additional packages like uwsgi and ect. using https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/gnu-mailman/latest/gnu-mailman.... about till chapter 6. I understand mailman suite has hyperkitty already. But I am not sure about:
- Does mailman-suite have hyper-kitty inside? Because if I run $python
I can create lists, event add lists to hyperkitty page using: $django-admin runjob new_lists_from_mailman list server sends messages to
manage.py runserver - it runs. In installed it under dedicated OS user home and fonfigured to run. list members as well. But nothing happens more. No emails come to hyperkitty, arciver log 0 size.
$ python manage.py runjobs -l shows the lists of the jobs, so seems nothing to add.
How exactly did you install Mailman? The document you reference gives alternatives. You don't say exactly what you did.
- If I (using Postorius web interface) add footer template to my list under regular message, something strange happens. Mailman stops to send messages for list members. No any entries in the logs. Just Mailman log writes: "unable to connect localhost port 25" and no more explanation. If I delete list's footer template (web interface), mailman starts working again. What is bad here? How to add custom footer? In mailman 2 if was working so good and was easy to setup.
It appears that no MTA is listening on localhost port 25. Is your MTA even running? It is extremely unlikely that this has anything to do with adding a termplate in Postorius.
You might be better off installing Debian's 'mailman3-full' package < https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=mailman3-full&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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