Dear Mailman 3 users,
Currently we are hosting the website [1] and mailing list [2] of our free software project with a shared hosting plan of a webhosting company. As such there is no dedicated server, but we do have SSH access (as a regular user) to the shared server. The mailing list software (Mailman 2) is administrated separately by our hoster on a dedicated machine. We are rather happy with this setup: we pay about 10 USD per month and have only little administration work to do.
The only problem is that our list runs on Mailman 2. We would like to move to Mailman 3, but this does not seem to be that simple. Perhaps someone here would be so kind to give us advice?
The number of (shared) hosters who offer Mailman 3 seems to be very limited [3]. Would it be a good idea to book a virtual private server (VPS) somewhere, that runs, say, Debian, and simply install Mailman 3 through the distribution’s package system? I’m already running a small personal box with nginx on it, and this is very little work, but running Mailman would require sending out up to a few thousand email messages per day (our list has a few hundred subscribers). Is this something that one is commonly allowed to do on a VPS system? Most VPS offers that I see are silent about mail.
If we setup such a system, can we assume that it will silently operate without causing much administration work most of the time (like my nginx server)? Or is maintaining a Mailman 3 server a significant burden ([2] seems to imply that)? If yes, are you aware of organizations that propose Mailman 3 hosting for open source projects? Python.org seems to host some lists for third party projects, but otherwise I haven’t seen much.
Thanks Christoph
[1] https://kwant-project.org/ [2] https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/listinfo/kwant-discuss [3] https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/Q...