I've installed mailman3-full 3.3.3-1 from Debian bullseye (Debian testing).
The dropdown controls on the UI for Postorius (e.g. "Subscription requests", "Mass operations" and the username button to log out) and the similar controls on Hyperkitty (e.g. "Threads by month") do not work. You can see the latter at http://newlistszm.gbif.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/test@newlistszm.gbif.org...
I found https://lists.gem5.org/archives/list/gem5-announce@gem5.org/ which is running the same version, but presumably not using these Debian packages as the Javascript is slightly different.
Could this be a problem with the Debian packaging, or perhaps my configuration -- which is very close to the defaults (i.e. Mailman and Apache configuration generated by dpkg).
Has anyone set up a working installation using these packages?
Matt Blissett
PS, I wrote a similar message earlier in the week to a Debian list: https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/pkg-mailman-hackers/2021-February/...