Franklin Weng writes:
In Debian's setting, under /usr/share/mailman3-web/ are these files:
manage.py settings_local.py -> /etc/mailman3/mailman-web.py settings_local.py.sample settings.py urls.py wsgi.py
That looks right. This is a typical Debian approach to preserving local configuration automatically when Debian is upgraded.
In the top of settings_locas.py there are comments saying that this file is to override default settings in /usr/share/mailman3-web/settings.py, so I suppose hyperkitty database should define here,
though it is different from /usr/share/mailman3-web/settings.py.
In Debian, you can't control the contents of that file. It may be overwritten in any upgrade. That's why the settings_local.py approach is used.
In the settings_local.py, it defines sqliet3 and the file of 'NAME' /var/lib/mailman3/web/mailman3web.db exists and is a sqlite3 format file.
That's OK (until you need higher performance).
But in settings.py (which is supposed to be overridden by setting_local.py) it defines using postgresql, which doesn't exist in my Debian system.
I assume it is overridden, unless Debian really messed up its packaging. But it seem to be working for other users (at least, no complaints I can recall).
Is there any log I can trace the executing path?
You really don't want to do that.
14233 ? Ss 0:01 /usr/bin/uwsgi --plugin python3 --ini /etc/mailman3/uwsgi.ini 14236 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/bin/uwsgi --plugin python3 --ini /etc/mailman3/uwsgi.ini
I don't know much about uswgi, so I can't say whether multiple processes with the same invocation is a problem. It's something to keep in mind.
Recently uwsgi is problematic. There are multiple threads in the last few weeks. Unfortunately, Mailman devs are mostly using Apache + mod_swgi or gunicorn, so we can't be terribly helpful if there is a problem with uwsgi. Apparently the Apache process with mod_swgi is irrelevant.
The /var/log/mailman3/web/mailman-web.log is at https://pastebin.com/U3jHR6JS
That log looks perfectly normal to me. Since the log looks normal, you don't need to worry about uwsgi yet, but you should review the threads in our archives.
The only thing that strikes me about the log is that there are no accesses to ".../hyperkitty/api/...", which is how HyperKitty receives messages to archive. Perhaps you simply didn't send any messages during the period of the captured log, but if you did, it should be there. Three questions:
Do you have HyperKitty configured as the Mailman archiver in Mailman?
In mailman.cfg do you have
[archiver.hyperkitty] class: mailman_hyperkitty.Archiver enable: yes configuration: /path/to/here/mailman-hyperkitty.cfg
where the "configuration" value should give the full path to a mailman-hyperkitty.cfg file?
- Do your lists have archiving configured on in Postorius?