I started working on docker files for Mailman.
I created three repositories:
- https://github.com/simonsmiley/postorius-docker Holds the files needed to create a postorius container
- https://github.com/simonsmiley/mailman-docker Holds the files needed to create a core container
- https://github.com/simonsmiley/mailman-compose Holds docker-compose files that greatly simply the process of running the containers
- The mailman repo currently lacks documentation
- Currently no emails can be sent. I still have to figure out what the best way is...
- Hyperkitty will be added next (together with a complete "bundler" install)
I pushed two images to the docker hub. Their names are thelinuxguy/postorius and thelinuxguy/mailman
I created two organizations mailman on docker hub and gnu-mailman on github https://github.com/gnu-mailman https://hub.docker.com/u/mailman/
I know we shouldn't use github, but there is no way around github/bitbucket for automated builds on docker hub.
I post here to inform you about the docker images and I also to ask if I'm allowed to keep these two organizations and move my images/repos there. I'll happily give push/owner access to additional people if requested.
The repositories could be mirrored to the gitlab mailman group, sadly the process doesn't work the other way round just yet.
In case this request gets denied, I'll just remove the organizations and let the images be "unofficial".
cheers, Simon