Hi there,
We run the following versions:
mailman-core: 3.3.9 mailman-core-api: 3.1 mailman-core-python: 3.11.6 hyperkitty: 1.3.8
We have several lists on our server, I will write down a list of example list names that are good enough for the purpose of my question.
xx@domain.tld <mailto:xx@domain.tld> yy-xx@domain.tld <mailto:yy-xx@domain.tld> zz-xx@domain.tld <mailto:zz-xx@domain.tld>
When I now visit the archives for xx@domain.tld <mailto:xx@domain.tld> and enter a search phrase in “search this list”, the results include the other 2 lists.
It looks like “search this list” searches for keyword in any listname that matches the one from "this list".
Is there a way to really only search “this list” when I go to the archives for xx@domain.tld <mailto:xx@domain.tld>?
I have tried to change the url for the results to have a ‘^’ in front of the listname, but that gives an error :-)
Thanks in advance!
Marco van Tol