On 2023-03-23 09:07:02 -0700 (-0700), Mark Sapiro wrote: [...]
bookworm (testing) and sid (unstable) do have current versions of Mailman core and django-mailman3 and possibly mailman3-web 0+20200530-2.1 has current Postorius and HyperKitty, but those are generally not the Debian packages that most users would install.
And those will also become out of date over time, because Debian is a stable server distribution so intentionally freezes the versions of software it supplies and backports only critical/security fixes to those increasingly outdated versions when warranted.
Basically it's a question of whether users value stability with a bit of security support over newest versions of software and new features. The upstream Mailman packages on PyPI (and container images) cater to users who want the latest versions of the software, packages in stable server distros like Debian cater to users who want to safely go years between behavior changes in software. Both are valid choices, it just comes down to the user's specific situation.
That said, when you have trouble with the packaged versions of software in Debian, the expectation is that you ask on Debian mailing lists and possibly report bugs in the Debian bug tracker, rather than burdening upstream software maintainers with details that might be specific to choices or mistakes in Debian's packages. The package maintainers in Debian generally forward bug reports upstream if they determine the issue you've encountered isn't related to how it's been packaged, isn't already fixed upstream (in which case they might backport the fix), et cetera.
Jeremy Stanley