Isn't mailman.client bilingual? It should work with Python 3.x and Python 2.y for some versions of x and y.
Cheers, -Barry
Hi Barry, it doesn't seem the case. Yesterday I dealt simultaneously with random downloads of either version for various packages, which incurred into unrecoverable conflicts with firewalld. For that reason I decided to reinstall OS this morning. I will focus first on running postfix, Then will carefully follow instructions for each version separately. Only then it will be advisable to run mailman bundler. I learned it yesterday the hard way! Thanks by the way for including me in this list and I wish all of you the best for completion of your projects.
Sincerely, Rubén
(please note that I earlier replied this by email, as I notice that it doesn't show up on the list website I am reposting. Hopefully it won't be repeated. I've been looking through archive posts and some are double. Would be interesting to check if my reply from half an hour ago will eventually get posted. If it gets, my apologies!)