I'm not sure if this is a bug or something about the new CSRF fix doesn't get along with something I have (mis)configured, but this definitely seems to be related. Sadly the script I use to backup mailman before upgrading I recently stopped backing up the lists themselves, so going back to 2.1.35 doesn't seem to be an option due to the .pck file version bump. Here's the trace I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/scripts/driver", line 117, in
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py", line
342, in main
print doc.Format()
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/Mailman/htmlformat.py", line
352, in Format
output.append(Container.Format(self, indent))
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/Mailman/htmlformat.py", line
267, in Format
output.append(HTMLFormatObject(item, indent))
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/Mailman/htmlformat.py", line 53,
in HTMLFormatObject
return item.Format(indent)
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/Mailman/htmlformat.py", line
445, in Format
% csrf_token(self.mlist, self.contexts, self.user)
File "/mailman/mailman-${domainslug}/Mailman/CSRFcheck.py", line 53,
in csrf_token
mac = sha_new(secret + issued
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
Running Python 2.7.5 .
Joel Lord