On 11-Feb-19 17:08, Marvin Gülker wrote:
Am 11. Februar 2019 um 13:20 Uhr -0800 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
I downloaded the February mbox from <https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/export/wlug@lists.wlug.org-2019-02.mbox.gz?start=2019-02-01&end=2019-03-01> and imported it to a test list with 'django-admin hyperkitty_import and see the same issue. Here's the Hyperkitty Mbox for my affected mailinglist: <https://lists.secretchronicles.org/hyperkitty/list/tsc-devel@lists.secretchronicles.org/export/tsc-devel@lists.secretchronicles.org-2018-09.mbox.gz?start=2018-09-01&end=2018-10-01>
Maildir from my local machine as received from Mailman via e-mail: <https://files.guelker.eu/misc/tsc-devel.tar.gz>
Examination of the mbox shows for the first message [...] Note the folding of the header and the double angle brackets. I can confirm that I see this behaviour for my affected mailinglist as well. The Message-ID header is broken over two lines with double angle brackets in the Hyperkitty MBox linked above:
Message-ID: < <153582973006.27514.7508703206376217479@alexandria.secretchronicles.org>>
However, the original message as it was delivered by Mailman to me does not have such a weird message-id header:
Message-ID: <153582973006.27514.7508703206376217479@alexandria.secretchronicles.org>
In this message, the header is broken exactly as shown above after the colon of "Message-ID:". Maybe some problem with parsing long Message-ID headers, or ones folded over multiple lines?
With regard to bug reporting on gitlab.com: I already have accounts on a ton of sites, and at some point I'd actually like to stop creating new ones all the time...
The double angle brackets are a problem.
The folding is legal. Any whitespace in a header (not inside tokens, such as quoted strings, of course) can be replaced by a <CR><LF><one whitespace character> So
Message-ID: <glorp>
is identical to
(See RFC2822 3.2.3 for a more precise explanation)
A message-ID within <<>> is not valid; whatever generated it has a bug.
RFC2822 grammar
message-id = "Message-ID:" msg-id CRLF
in-reply-to = "In-Reply-To:" 1*msg-id CRLF
references = "References:" 1*msg-id CRLF
msg-id = [CFWS] "<" id-left "@" id-right ">" [CFWS]
id-left = dot-atom-text / no-fold-quote / obs-id-left
id-right = dot-atom-text / no-fold-literal / obs-id-right
no-fold-quote = DQUOTE *(qtext / quoted-pair) DQUOTE
no-fold-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
specials = "(" / ")" / ; Special characters used in "<" / ">" / ; other parts of the syntax "[" / "]" / ":" / ";" / "@" / "\" / "," / "." / DQUOTE
atext = ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Any character except controls, "!" / "#" / ; SP, and specials. "$" / "%" / ; Used for atoms "&" / "'" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "/" / "=" / "?" / "^" / "_" / "`" / "{" / "|" / "}" / "~"
atom = [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS]
dot-atom = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS]
dot-atom-text = 1*atext *("." 1*atext)