Contrary to the messages I found in the archive, rather trying to delete or remove the social login portion of the sign in page, I'm looking to see if there's any way to isolate the third-party login section and prevent local account sign in and sign up. This way, we can ensure that the people within our organization are using a stronger auth method that prioritizes MFA, rather than just username/password.
To do this, our plan is to block signups using "ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'django_mailman3.views.user_adapter.DisableSignupAdapter'" and to remove the portions of the login template such that the username/password/forgot password fields are removed, leaving just the button to our SSO instance. I'm anticipating that this should be sufficient to block username/password sign ins, and is resistant to page manipulation due to CSRF tokens, but I wanted to ask to see if there was a better way, like an official configuration (which I have not found yet). I did see that there is the SOCALACCOUNT_ONLY option, as provided by allauth (https://docs.allauth.org/en/latest/socialaccount/configuration.html), but that broke any attempt to display the sign in page, and I'm assuming is not supported with the current version of MM3. Is my plan to modify the templates viable?
Additionally, because external users would not have access to their own dashboards within the web UI, and since we are planning on disabling anonymous subscriptions with "SHOW_ANONYMOUS_SUBSCRIBE_FORM=False", the only two viable ways to subscribe to a list for them would be:
- Send a request directly to the list owner or a superadmin to subscribe/unsubscribe the address
- Allow email commands to subcribe/unsubscribe users (i.e. $LISTNAME-join@$DOMAIN)
Given the discussions on disabling the anonymous subscription form, are the email commands a less spam-susceptible solution or are they just as vulnerable as the form?