I need help with this.
A subscriber is a member of 14 of the lists on my system (others have more subscriptions). This member needs to change the address and is dyslexic, so I’ve been asked to help.
I added the new address to her account in Django and set it as the preferred address. However, when she was subscribed, the system set her old address as the list subscription address, instead of her ‘preferred’ address. Well, I’m not sure of this as I cannot access her Settings, but that’s how it worked with one of my own addresses.
Will I now have to tell her to do this for each list she is subscribed to:
Select ‘Mailman Settings’ in dialog pulldown. Select one of the lists listed. Click on ‘Manage Subscription.’ In ‘Select Emai’, select the ‘Primary Address’ pulldown option Click on ‘Change email used for subscription.’
Please note that the “Global Mailman preferences’ nor the ‘Address-based preferences’ have the option to select the preferred address. I realize that once a member has an account in Django AND has preferred address set AND has selected the ‘Primary Address’ for each list, then this will be easier. However, I have 10000+ subscriptions by some 1500 members, most of whom were moved over from MM2 and have no Django accounts.
Someone on list some time ago advised me that it was possible to do this easily globally. I have spent a couple of hours on the system trying to find that way but the above per-list procedure is all I found.
Please make this easy, as I get these requests all the time and some, like this one, are on many lists.