Aug. 19, 2021
12:06 p.m.
I have the same problem. Also installed from Debian packages (for buster). I have mailman.po in /var/lib/mailman/messages/de/LC_MESSAGES and django.po in /usr/share/python-django-common/django/conf/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES. While I can translate django.po to django.mo, the same with mailman.po just gives back the error mailman.po:7111: »msgid«- und »msgstr«-Eintrag enden nicht jeweils mit »\n« msgfmt: es ist 1 fataler Fehler aufgetreten
(somewhere msgid and msgstr dont end with \n) But the File is way too huge to find out where it's missing. Considering "7111" is a line number it does make the search easier. but still I just can't see where the \n is missing.