Thomas Ward via Mailman-users writes
Unfortunately, this is bad behavior and appears to not be caught by default.
I deal with that at the exim level. At this time I only have one list
root@tagol/etc/mail# cat exim.filter # Exim filter
# Auto-Submitted: auto-replied if $h_to: contains "bibnez@folks.email" and $h_Auto-Submitted: contains "auto-replied" then headers add "Old-Subject: $h_subject:" headers remove "Subject" headers add "Subject: RAUS ($h_old-subject:)" headers remove "Old-Subject" deliver "juergen.plieninger@uni-tuebingen.de" endif
Thus if the header Auto_Submitted contains auto-replied, I forward it to Jürgen, my list boss, just in case it is actually ham, but I change the subject so that he can easily spot that it was filtered.
This is not 100% tight, as there are bad auto-reply agents creating mails that don't have an auto-submitted header.
Hope this helps somebody out there.
-- Written by Thomas Krichel http://openlib.org/home/krichel on his 21349th day.