Over time, on a relatively small set of lists, I see the uwsgi process grow and grow until the system OOMs.
As Mark points out, those of us who use gunicorn (an alternative WSGI provider to interface Mailman to the web server) don't see this. Since you see it specifically in the uswgi process and we don't see it at all, this pretty well localizes it to uwsgi. This is a 3rd party application not maintained by Mailman or Debian, and the uswgi project (not Debian) is likely the best place to get help.
Is it a Debian issue, a local config issue, or a general problem?
Based on the relatively small amount of information, I think it's most likely to be a defect in upstream uwsgi. But the uswgi developers are the best people to answer that, and you almost certainly need them to develop a fix.