In my quest to figure out how even us idiots can successfully install a mailman3 server, I keep looking ways to reduce the process to the simplest possible set of instructions. So far, I haven't been doing very well with that, but I've been learning a ton.
In particular, while I still haven't got a fully functioning mailman3 server yet, someone pointed me, off list, to Ansible, which I wasn't aware of before and which has completely blown me away by its power and simplicity.
For those who aren't aware of it, it's an agentless, multi-platform automation technology.
For our purposes, it replaces "how to install mailman3" guides with a single script that aims to actually do the entire thing for you. One of the particularly interesting points is that you can write complex scripts/data structures (or 'collections') that allow for a single collection to cover a broad range of use cases, such as this person's exim Ansible collection, which covers 3 very different use cases from a private domain email relay up to a full multi-domain email handler with IMAP integration.
I haven't quite got the mailman3 one working yet, but I've just started playing with it. Here are some pointers in case anyone else is interested in trying, and I'd be very interested in whether or not I'm actually the last person to discover this technology, and if one of these solutions succeeds in delivering mailman3 "out of the box".
- Install Ainsible, make sure you're on at least version 2.9, if not 2.10. Some distributions are still on 2.7, which is not compatible with more recent collections. The "Galaxy" collection is apparently only tested on Debian 10.
- Pick your mailman3 Ansible collection of choice and install it (https://galaxy.ansible.com/ucr/mailman3, or https://github.com/rivimey/ansible-mailman3) Command to install official collection - ansible-galaxy install ucr.mailman3
- Write playbook.yml with key variables (mailman3 example below)
- hosts: mailman3
vars: mailman3_domain: example.com # It will install and create a certificate using certbot, its nignx plugin and http validation (Public IP required). If false, it will install a self sign cert mailman3_install_certbot: true # install and create certificate # secrets, please change them mailman3_secret_key: "change_secretkey" mailman3_rest_api_pass: "change_api_pass" mailman3_archiver_key: "change_archiver_key" mailman3_db_pass: "change_db_pass" mailman3_web_db_pass: "change_web_db_pass" mailman3_web_admin_pass: "change_web_admin_pass" roles:- ucr.mailman3