I have been struggling to get this right and I think I have finally done it.
I have a website with many opinion and news articles. I have linked from the article to a pre-written thread, such as from here:
EXAMPLE WEBSITE ARTICLE https://www.tokyoprogressive.org/remembering-the-tsushima-maru-disaster-75-y... to EXAMPLE THREAD ON LIST Title: Remembering the Tsushima Maru Disaster 75 Years Later https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/hyperkitty/list/discuss@list.tokyoprogress...
PROBLEM The problem is that this does not show the subsequent comment that was added. And SHOW REPLIES BY DATE does not do it either.
SOLUTION I figured out that all replies are listed under Re:, so if the first comment does not have the Re:, then it gets cut off. So if I click https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/hyperkitty/list/discuss@list.tokyoprogress... you will see all the subsequent posts. Since I want to post a link BEFORE anyone starts replying, I have to make my first post in the thread titled Re:
EXAMPLE OF NEW POSTING STYLE Make sure the thread has a Re: in it. (Actually I made a mistake and wrote Re; and it still worked.) https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/hyperkitty/list/discuss@list.tokyoprogress...
QUESTION Am I correct that if I want to create a thread and link to it, but make sure the first note is included, I need to make the thread title: Re: Something?