Its the same message because the professor sent the message to both class lists (the "To:" line): From: David Shatz <shatz@yu.edu> To: 202309-30660@lists.yu.edu;202309-31494@lists.yu.edu
I don't mind deleting the message from the archives of both classes if its way to get rid of this problem quickly. I was thinking of deleting the entire archive for each of those two classes if necessary so this would be less destructive. Is this all I have to do to delete the messages?
delete from hyperkitty_email where id = 1366; delete from hyperkitty_thread where starting_email_id = 1366; delete from hyperkitty_email where id = 1365; delete from hyperkitty_thread where starting_email_id = 1365;
There is nothing else in the database that is dependent on these records?