On Feb 15, 2021, at 10:14 PM, Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> wrote:
So I did the latest mailman upgrades within my venv (per the instructions got from Brian Carpenter when he installed it for me) to the latest version. I had a strange CPU pegging issue that turned out to be mailman struggling with a malformed message but in the process of debugging that I downgraded to the previous mailman release.
The resulted in a broken web interface.
Today, while debugging, I did a pip install --upgrade of all the components as listed in a previous thread. Now none of the mailman3 processes will start.
Doing a bin/mailman-post-update results in the error message below, which are consistent with the issues I saw earlier when trying to access the web interface.
Anyone got a solution to this?
From the tracebacks it looks like Django is broken. I would suggest starting over with a new venv. I.e., just move /opt/mailman/mm/venv/ aside and create a new venv
virtualenv /opt/mailman/mm/venv/
and then activate it and pip install everything.
Ok, that worked. THANK YOU. My lists are back up.
The CPUs getting pounded by some failing process is back, though. I’ll post about that separately.
- Mark
mark@pdc-racing.net | 408-348-2878