On 10/26/2021 11:43 AM, Michael Heseltine wrote:
after upgrading an older server to Ubuntu 20.04, I tried to first upgrade my old mailman 2 installation to mailman 3. I've been on it for three weeks now, but unable to get anything working. I have long forgone the idea of upgrading and thus purged everything from mailman2 on my machine, and installed and removed mailman3 several times to no avail.
I just ran into a lot of trouble myself getting the Ubuntu packages working. And I got the same advice you did from this mailing list -- don't try to install it that way.
My first attempt at installing it without using packages was the virtualenv method. After beating my head against that for a few hours and not making any progress at all, I gave up.
I now have the docker install fully functional, and imported my list configurations from data I saved from an ancient mailman2 install. It was giving me grief too when I first installed it, but I managed to work through each of the problems. One of the issues was a basic networking problem -- mailman in the container wasn't able to talk to Postfix on the host. Rebooting the host cleared that up. Side note: There are no details in the docker instructions about how to upgrade the containers to newer versions. Easy upgrades was a big reason why I wanted to use the Ubuntu packages. Upgrading other packages has always been pretty straightforward.
I'm using Apache, not nginx. It was already installed, and I know more about configuring it than nginx. It wasn't too difficult to set up Apache to proxy over to uwsgi running in the web container. I had to work out the config myself ... the docker instructions only have a config example for nginx.
Email isn't very interactive, but works. You can find me on the IRC channel for the next few days if you want something faster. If you want to try the docker method, I can try to help.
Thanks, Shawn