Am 10. Dezember 2019 um 10:25 Uhr -0800 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
The underlying issue here is probably <https://bugs.python.org/issue32330>, but that knowledge doesn't help us. We need to get rid of the offending message in the message store. The first step is in mailman shell. Note the paths /opt/mailman/mm/bin/ and /opt/mailman/mm/var/ will need to be adjusted.
Thanks for this information. Ubuntu's mailman stores the messages below /var/lib/mailman3/messages. The "mailman" command is in the $PATH.
This should print the file name and Message-ID-Hash (two lines the same) for each message in the messages directory until it prints only one line followed by the UnicodeEncodeError exception. That list line is the file name/Message-ID-Hash of the offending message.
I've execucted that code, but it does not cause an exception at all. It quietly runs through. I've attached the transcript of the shell session to this mail. With a little crude use of grep(1), however I found my held message in WQ/ZS/WQZSFFJLVMWQHMG4VYKGXJEKQVQXVK67.
Does the messages directory contain only held messages? I've looked at some messages and all of these I looked at were spam. The directory structure contains 40 messages in total, accumulating to 480 KiB disk space.
If required, I can zip that directory up and e-mail it to you for inspection.
DELETE FROM message WHERE message_id_hash = xxx;
As the exception you expected did not occur, I didn't do this yet. I can make a database and directory backup and then run it, though. Should I try?
I assume after this I should also delete the respective files from the messages/ directory?
As of Mailman core 3.3.0 there is a 'mailman notify' command designed to be run periodically by cron to notify owners/moderators of prnding requests.
I did receive an e-mail to the list owner address that told me that the e-mail from my incorrect e-mail address "requires approval". That was the first time I received such an e-mail. In parallel, on the incorrect e-mail address, I received the notification for moderator approval.
-- Blog: https://mg.guelker.eu