Alan So writes:
Thanks. Since we have many administrators working on different lists and they normally remove all memberships & mass subscribe during academic term start, it is possible that they may mass subscribe at the same time. The chance to hit this issue is slim anyway since they need to subscribe the same email addresses around the same time and these email addresses never exist on Mailman.
If I understand your situation and how Mailman works correctly, you should be able to run parallel mass subscribes if the User objects and Address objects already exist. So make a "Universal" list that subscribes all these addresses before starting on the individual lists. Or perhaps you already have lists that form a partition of all addresses (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, faculty, staff). The universal list will cost a small amount of space overhead (the Subscription objects in the database, but Users and Addresses are not duplicated since you need them for the other lists).
Somebody will have to get up at 4am on the first day of term to populate the universal list before the rest of the staff wakes up, I guess, but that's probably better than having dozens of staff frustrated because half their assigned lists are only half populated.
BTW, I know my university already has a universal list for announcements in a disaster. It's implemented as an umbrella list for a set of lists that partitions university members.