Mailman 3 Status Update Please
I have been following the progress and difficulties with great interest
as many struggle to implement the new version of the great Mailman 3
list-server software. Last year about this time I posed some questions
regarding the current development status and recognize that many
additional problems seem to get in the way of actually working on long
term big picture issues.
From my perspective of being an senior (ie overaged) person desirous of implementing fully-featured, capable, scalable, reliable, secure applications such as Mailman, I am convinced that I am thoroughly over my head.
From my limited perspective, it would seem to me that a 'nice to have' system would incorporate the following.
- An open container standard configurable system install, compatible with different web & mail servers, DB utilities, etc;
- Python 3 version Django utilities for archiving and mail list name management;
- A design/plan from an inside expert perspective stating costs, time and resources to implement the plan, incorporating crowdfunding to pay for project.
- As a backup incentive to the crowdfunding plan might be the offer of an expert to set up a system for each significant amount donated, say US$1,000, such as might be accomplished by an SSL session on the target computer/server after the user has specified all necessary detail as required in a template.
I am sure that the program author and other major contributors could greatly enhance this list.
In summary, I guess what I am requesting is an overview forecast by half year period and out for the next two years?
Please share the big picture?
Thank you in advance and best regards.
Dave Wilson