I fat-fingered a command in the Postorius UI and accidentally unsubcribed all members of a list. Oops.
Have added them back using Mass operations/Mass subscribe but this raised three questions:
In Users/Members, moderation action for the newly resubscribed users shows as "None". Is there a method, either in the UI or the command line, to change this to "Default processing" for all users?
Although Delivery Mode shows as "Regular" for all users in Users/Members list, clicking on a member's name shows all options such as delivery status, delivery mode, etc., as undefined.
Similar question: How to set subscriber options for all members in one go?
- As a subscriber to this list, I received email notification that I'd been unsubscribed. Where is the control for enabling/disabling subscription notifications?
Settings/Member Policy/Un-subscription Policy is set to Confirm, but I don't think that's relevant here since I unsubscribed users as the Django superuser.
dn, chastened