Abhilash Raj wrote:
I'm running the docker-mailman setup with LDAP integrated. My users that authenticate against LDAP are still required to verify their email address however, I do not want this functionality. I was looking for guidance on possibly configuring it so my LDAP users do not have to verify their email address. AFAIK, there isn't any existing configuration that would allow you to do
On 9/15/23 02:54, Tony Deshields wrote: this, but it really depends on how have you setup the LDAP authentication. IMO, the auth backend used is the best place to
Thanks for the response Abhilash. I am using openldap with django_auth_ldap backend that pulls users from LDAP and assigns permissions based on AD groups. I have configured LDAP based upon the example configuration found here: https://django-auth-ldap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example.html.
I will take a look at the backend, as you suggested, thanks.