Mark Sapiro writes:
I say you have to understand what you want Postfix to do and configure it appropriately.
I would recommend going to a Postfix list as Mark suggested. Postfix configuration is complex, and they're more likely to know the best way to do exactly what you say you want to do. I myself can't help with Postfix details, I'm an Exim user. But my list of "need to know" stuff is generic, just the answers would be very different with Exim or Sendmail or qmail!
I would need much more information in order to know how your Postfix should be configured,
In particular, whoever answers your questions will need to know:
Why are you using virtual domains for email? This doesn't need to have great detail. Mostly:
- are you supporting multiple organizations with their own domains, OR
- is this for some purpose of your own, OR
- did you just copy the virtual domain lines from some example configuration?
In the last case, you might try not even mentioning that you're using virtual domains. (That's only if you treat this as a "new install". If you're going to send them your current configs, they'll see your virtual domain stuff and want to know "why?" You may as well tell them.) They may tell you that you can do everything you want without them! Or they may tell you that virtual domains are the best way to do that, and you can be confident about it.
In the last case you could also try just deleting and seeing if your system works, as you suggested to Mark earlier. But that could also break everything related to mail on that host.
Who is receiving mail via Dovecot, and via what domain(s)? The "who" is generic (eg, "users and web applications using IMAP clients"), but the domains should be specific.
If not inconvenient, it is easiest if you give real names for the domains. If there are privacy, security, or intellectual property concerns with the domain names, you'll need to find out the conventions used by the Postfix community for dealing with that.
If you do redact your domain names in your explanation in the initial contact, make sure you explain exactly how you did that, or you will confuse everybody and have an unpleasant experience.
What domain does Mailman use to receive mail? Is Mailman the only thing that receives mail on that domain? What else, if anything, needs to received mail addressed to that domain?
What domains other than those handled by Mailman and Dovecot, if any, are processed by your Postfix MTA?
What other things, if any, besides Mailman and Dovecot directly receive mail processed by your Postfix MTA?
Anything downstream from Mailman and Dovecot doesn't need to be mentioned. If there are still problems with downstream recipients once Mailman and Dovecot are receiving mail correctly, direct those issues to us and to Dovecot, as appropriate.
You should check the channel FAQ to see whether they want your configuration in your first contact, or not. Even if they do, you might be better off to treat this as a "new install" rather than "it's broken, help me fix it".
In contacting the Postfix channel, explain "I want to ..." based on the answers to those questions. Then your question is "how do I configure mail so that Dovecot domains and users get mail, Mailman domains, lists, and administrators get mail, and any other mail handled by Postfix goes to the right place (as defined by questions 4 and 5)?"