Hello all,
I am new to mailman3, once upon a time I had mailman installed on my server, but had trouble with many things, especially virtual hosts not possible in mailman2...
However on https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/pre-installation-guide.html#what-do-i-ne... are no system requirements for the installation.
I assume, that I cannot just install mailman3 on a regular webhoster, but there is no section: You need to have root access to a Linux system with at least 8/16/31/64GB RAM and at least 1/2/5/7 GB of free diskspace (ssl or hard-disk?)
You need so and so much for 100/1000 Lists with 10/100/1000 Users each and 5/50/500 Mailings per day... where do I find that information?
what is the smallest possible machine to run mailman3 on? Can I run it on a raspberry pi?