Odhiambo Washington writes:
I use the utf8mb4 character set as default, unless something wants a different one. MySQL and MariaDB are almost similar. I have encountered very few significant differences since I switched to MariaDB.
OK, then that would not be a problem.
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 7:56?AM Stephen J. Turnbull < turnbull.stephen.fw@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
Isn't one installation using 'mailman' and 'mailmanweb' databases, while the other only 'mailman'? You'll need to deal with that at least I suppose.
This is true. However, I was hoping that I could merge the two foreign DBs into one. I am yet to test it though.
Yes. The point is that when you dump 'mailman' and 'mailmanweb' on the old host the name of the database will occur in at least the SQL CREATE DATABASE and CONNECT commands. You will need to edit that for mailmanweb.
I had to Google who he was :-)
One of my favorites!
In my case, I did not delete the original example.com. I finally get to use SITE_ID=0. I suppose that it should be accompanied by FILTER_VHOST=True
Yes, I think so.
I am going to try [the create and configure lists manually and add subscribers] method. It looks safer for me.
If there are only a few, it's little more time spent than writing scripts. And you can be sure you'll have basically working lists that you can fix any inadvertant configuration changes later. The only thing I would double and triple check is privacy settings (reply-to munging, archives, and subscriber rosters) and DMARC settings. In the MTA of course you want to be very careful about getting SPF and DKIM right for the new domain.