gordon@dickens.com writes:
How do I uninstall the Debian version and then reinstall with the venv and web instructions so that all of my mailing lists and configuration data are preserved?
tar czf /tmp/mailmandata.tar.gz $PATH_TO_MAILMAN_DATA
Not sure where Debian puts it but I would guess /var/lib/mailman. You can also try apt-get --dry-run remove ... but I think that provides output at too coarse a level (packages, not files). Generally apt is pretty good about not removing files that are not in the package, though.
I may elect to go that route if I can preserve all of my mailing list and data and you think that would be a quicker route to a solution. Is there a simple way to do this?
Then you can do apt-get remove $MAILMAN_PACKAGES with confidence. Do not do apt-get purge ..., of course (although I suspect even that will leave your archives and mailing lists).
We still generally recommend installing from source, or possibly using the docker containers that Abhilash provides (usually quite promptly after a release). First, you're not dependent on a distro for new features, and Mailman 3 is still by no means feature-complete. (On the other hand, the distros are good about providing security upgrades, and often the easiest route for them is a version bump). Second, if you put stuff where we tell you to, we know where it is when you ask for advice. I'm a Debian user, but I don't use their packages for Mailman itself.