Yesterday we processed just over 60,000 messages to recipients. Some of our lists have 2000+ subscribers.
90% of the time the system is handling incoming messages and the backlog of .pck files in the out queue doesn't last more than 10-15 minutes. Even if a single message may take longer to process others move through via other runners.
However, due to the rather complex relay we have from our primary mail domain server and campus relay, there are occasions when messages get significantly delayed before arriving at Mailman.
When that happens, there's a flood of messages and Mailman is unable to keep up and messages may wait to be processed for up to 2 hours.
We currently run Mailman as a Docker container in AWS on a t3.xlarge instance. 4 CPU 16GB RAM
So is there a 1:1 relationship between the number of runners and the maximum number of messages that may be processed with .bak files in the out queue?
-- Dan