A number of the Python module installs generate "PEP 440" warnings, which I ignored.
There are warnings on some components - and then a failure to build HyperKity looking for redhat-hardened-cc1.
Add redhat-rpm-config to the dnf install to get that.
setup for hyperkitty - cd hyperkitty, not mailman-hyperkitty
under "setup a mail server", it says: You will also have to add some settings to your django configuration. The setup instructions are provided in django’s email documentation.
OK: What file do I put them in? Perhaps this is mailman-suite/mailman-suite_project/settings.py?
That file is a mix of stuff that an admin would want to change, and application configs for developers. Perhaps that can't be helped - but could the admin settings come first?
What's a SITE_ID ? There's no comment.
It would be nice to have a list of what settings (there are a zillion of them) need to be changed to get going. Several are authentication items (passwords, usernames, urls). A cross reference that says across the whole project, where do you need to put them would be a big help. E.g., pick your REST api url, and put it in the following files: ...
Out of time for now. Seems like sorting this out will take more work.
BTW, I've replicated this on a Fedora 23 system with Python 3.4... (VM in notebook PC for the waiting room :-)