I have a test list with a few members. For each member it is showing me: Address, Delivery mode, Moderation action, bounce score.
It is NOT showing Delivery status (Enabled, Disabled, Disabled by owner, ...). The only way of seeing this is by clicking on the email address (Subscription options).
Is it possible to add delivery status to the summary where many users are shown ? I find this (on mailman 2) to be very useful, ie get a quick overview of what is happening to users.
-- Alain Williams Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT Lecturer. +44 (0) 787 668 0256 https://www.phcomp.co.uk/ Parliament Hill Computers. Registration Information: https://www.phcomp.co.uk/Contact.html #include <std_disclaimer.h>