Helio Loureiro writes:
Thanks for the tip. Now I can see hypperkitty available.
But I'm still seeing some errors.
Feb 22 14:16:56 2024 (2062795) Could not archive the message with id < AM6PR07MB592539392144457915580AF992752@ABCD.externaldomain.com>
This is likely the Microsoft bug (? that's the place I've repeatedly seen it) where the message ID is enclosed in <[...]> rather than <...>. The [] characters are forbidden in message IDs, and the email module is strict about it for some reason. If I'm correct, I think you'll find the offending message in $var_dir/archive/hyperkitty or some subdirectory, it's a regular queuefile, and you can read it with the showqfile utility to see if it's spam. Otherwise you need to edit the [] out of the message ID.