I've just observed something weird. While some users were testing the new mailman setup, the reply did not make it into the corresponding thread, but is still associated with it. That is, the message does not show up in the thread page at1. However, the reply is visible if requested individually2. Now what's weird is that in 2 there's a link at the top that says "< thread" that takes one to 1, so there is some kind of association appearently made but only in one direction (the reverse one). mailman.log has this to say:
Nov 03 17:22:31 2017 (498) ACCEPT: <1fa6f9e1-254c-e999-42d0-9a6cc263020d@openmailbox.org>
Nov 03 17:22:32 2017 (507) - - "GET /3.0/users/sydneyjd@openmailbox.org HTTP/1.1" 200 305
Nov 03 17:22:32 2017 (495) HyperKitty archived message <1fa6f9e1-254c-e999-42d0-9a6cc263020d@openmailbox.org> to https://lists.secretchronicles.org/hyperkitty/list/tsc-users@lists.secretchronicles.org/message/FDANAZ3ED4R2XRARPEZSFJWZCWTWSIUY/
The mailman-suite log contains:
INFO 2017-11-03 17:22:32,910 14330 hyperkitty.views.mailman Archived message <1fa6f9e1-254c-e999-42d0-9a6cc263020d@openmailbox.org> to https://lists.secretchronicles.org/hyperkitty/list/tsc-users@lists.secretchronicles.org/message/FDANAZ3ED4R2XRARPEZSFJWZCWTWSIUY/
This looks to me like a bug. The OP of that thread sent the same message to our other mailinglist3 (where he did not get a reply), so Mailman may has been confused by that.
-- Blog: https://www.guelkerdev.de PGP/GPG ID: F1D8799FBCC8BC4F