Eggert Ehmke via Mailman-users writes:
my configuration is very much like the one described by Roland.
And how much does it cost you? It doesn't sound like you're ready to use the feature at this point, but that often happens when users don't know that there's a feature they could ask for. Is there real risk that domain owners would abuse or mistakenly use site admin privileges on the whole site or on someone else's domains? Are you currently hoping to devolve domain administration to other individuals (now that you know it's probably possible with improvements to Mailman)? Do you have candidates for those domain owners in mind?
The problem on our side is that I don't know how this stuff works, and I don't know how much Mark or Abhilash knows or if they have any time to work on it. At least it's not authentication (which is a hairball I have no trouble saying "NO!!" to ;-), but authorization of roles is potentially complex and certainly risky if we get it wrong (eg, in a commercial hosting situation). So I estimate that implementing this is a significant cost for us (unless some volunteer does it, and of course we're pretty sure there will be a GSoC 2024 -- can't promise students will apply for the task, though).
I don't say that to discourage you from asking for it; please do ask unless your assessment is that the cost to you of not having the "domain admin" role is negligible. I just want to be transparent about why I'm being nosy about your process, and the kinds of things that go into our decision about what to prioritize.