Abhilash Raj writes:
You probably have
verify = sender
somewhere in your exim.conf, which is causing this.
No, that seems unlikely. This is in the default exim.conf.
You can either modify the
in your settings_local.py so that it is a real address that Exim can verify,
He's already modified that, since the default in settings.py is "postorius@localhost.local" (which is a bug: this should default to a mailbox, and the domain should be added automatically if only a mailbox is given).
It seems likely that what needs to be done is to set up a mailbox for Postorius, which can be done in several ways. When does Postorius receive mail? I guess it *sends* mail for the mailbox owner confirmation dialogs on subscription or password reset, but that confirmation is normally done by a web transaction, right? If <postorius> rarely gets mail, the obvious thing to do would be to alias to site owner or postmaster. (It looks like Django doesn't know how to receive mail, so any facility for postorius to receive mail would have to be configured in the MTA.)
If it's not that, then the problem likely has something to do with the containerization, and the MTA getting confused about which host is which.
or, you can remove verify = sender from your Exim configuration.
Don't do this. If you set up a separate Exim router for "postorius" (to do something fancy like a autoreply bot or delivery to /dev/null ;-), you can put the no_verify option in the Requires stanza for it.
-- Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Faculty of Systems and Information Email: turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN