On Sat, Aug 31, 2019, at 6:25 PM, paul@arenson.org wrote:
I guess my message wasn't clear?
Let me try again.
I have not made any list settings or sent mails because I do not want my archive filled with a lot of test mails.
I am simply trying to understand
a) why there are supposed to be two ways to sign up--one where you just get the messages by email and one where you are able to interact with the archives and send from the web interface.
Example, as seen here---> https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress...
Web UI is only of the ways you can configure subscriptions to the MailingList. A user can purely interact through email to subscribe to a MailingList, a possible 3rd way to sign up a MailingList.
This is by design for the flexibility of choosing the interface users are comfortable with.
- I was told that Subscription / Unsubscription lets you truly register
Login and Sign-Up to the Web UI only lets you manage your subscription through the Web UI, Post through the Web UI.
You can interact with Mailman purely through email commands too, without having to ever look at the Web UI.
Send an email to <listname>-requests@<domain> with subject "help".
and that just below that
- "You can also subscribe without creating an account" lLets you just receive emails but not interact with the archives.post from the web.
--> Aside from the confusing use of "subscribe/subscription for both, when I tried testing both options, BOTH sets of emails ended up in my members list.
If there is a guide (I was told it is not ready), it would help, but anyway:
Can anyone help me understand the problem above?
Will it go away if I enter my settings? Will my users (this who truly register with a password) be able to get the archives and post from the interface?
This isn't configurable right now, so you can't disable email commands or subscribing without signing up.
The next post is about the other issue:
Mailman-users mailing list -- mailman-users@mailman3.org To unsubscribe send an email to mailman-users-leave@mailman3.org https://lists.mailman3.org/mailman3/lists/mailman-users.mailman3.org/
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)