Hi. I am having a great deal of difficulty installing mailman3 using gentoo and sendmail. Also, I want to upgrade my old mailman2 data to mailman3.
What I have done so far is to install the mailman3 packages from my repository and got this: django-mailman3 version 1.3.4, mailmanclient version 3.3.1, mailman version 3.3.2 (apparently the core), postorius version 1.3.3 and hyperkitty version 1.3.3. I also have mariadb and postgresql already installed.
Now trying to read your documentation, it seems it wants me to reinstall some packages using pip in the home directory of the mailman user in a python virtual environment, that was the first thing. But I would like to avoid multiple package managers wherever possible -- gentoo is already a lot of maintainance without dealing with pip's maintainance. The binaries also seem to be different from my gentoo packages.
So, how do I proceed with getting mailman3 up and working, configuring the database, configs, etc and I guess after doing that upgrading mailman2 and getting sendmail to interface properly with mailman3?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
-- Your life is like a penny. You're going to lose it. The question is: How do you spend it?
John Covici wb2una