Hi Stephen
On Mon, 2022-08-22 at 23:51 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
blup@fortytwo.ch writes:
Try queue/, especially look for the out[going], pipeline, and shunt subdirectories.
I have several entries in /var/lib/mailman3/queue/shunt/ with Aug 21 timestamps, and several entries in /var/lib/mailman3/queue/shunt/ with current timestamp (i.e. everytime I ls -l there is a new timestamp with the current time).
Is the 'outgoing' qrunner still running? (ps ax | grep outgoing)
Sorry, I got that wrong. Mark recommends this:
ps -fwwA|grep runner=|sed s/.*runner=//
and gave this as sample output: [..]
My output looks exactly the same.
> I have more or less no Python knowledge (i.e. I can read and > understand Python but can't write it). Could you please give me > detailed command by command instructions. Thanks.
I'll take a look at it tomorrow, but I can't promise results until the weekend if I can't write a script in 30 minutes. Normally Mark Sapiro would handle this kind of thing, but he's offline for a couple weeks so you've got me. My knowledge is mostly on the email protocols side of things (Internet message format, authentication protocols), not the internal processing. I'll do what I can, but if I can't do it real quick it's probably going to take me several hours, which I'm not going to have until the weekend.
Having something by the weekend would be perfectly fine. Thanks for your time!
Regards Diana