On Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 8:35 PM Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> wrote:
On 7/28/24 09:54, Roland Giesler via Mailman-users wrote:
These settings from the Django docs look like the ones in mailman.cfg. Do I have to set them somewhere else too?
Yes. The settings in mailman.cfg only affect mail from Mailman. For mail from Django, you have to set things like
EMAIL_HOST = 'box2.gtahardware.co.za' EMAIL_PORT = 465 EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'roland@giesler.za.net' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '...'
and possibly others as desired, See the links to the Django docs for these.
* |use_tls|:|EMAIL_USE_TLS|
* |use_ssl|:|EMAIL_USE_SSL|
* |timeout|:|EMAIL_TIMEOUT|
* |ssl_keyfile|:|EMAIL_SSL_KEYFILE|
* |ssl_certfile|:|EMAIL_SSL_CERTFILE|
This all goes in your Django settings which from other posts I gather is /etc/mailman3/mailman3-web.py. I'm guessing you are using the Debian packages and that's where the package puts the Django settings.
I am following this thread out of curiosity. So I added the same lines to my /opt/mailman3/settings.py - on a virtualenv install of the latest MM3 code.It's my test VM. After adding the lines and restarting mailmanweb, I then entered the virtualenv and did 'mailman-web createsuperuser' which completed successfully, but NO MAIL! As matter of fact, there isn't even anything in the logs of the MTA running at w.kictanet.or.ke.
root@ubuntu24:/home/wash# su mailman
(venv) mailman@ubuntu24:~$ tail -n 5 /etc/mailman3/settings.py
EMAIL_HOST = 'gw.kictanet.or.ke'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'mailman@gw.kictanet.or.ke'
(venv) mailman@ubuntu24:~$ mailman-web createsuperuser
Username (leave blank to use 'mailman'): mm3admin1
Email address: odhiambo@outlook.com
Password (again):
Superuser created successfully.
(venv) mailman@ubuntu24:~$ tail -n 5 /opt/mailman/web/logs/mailmanweb.log
[Nothing in that file]
(venv) mailman@ubuntu24:~$ tail -n 10 /opt/mailman/mm/var/logs/mailman.log
[2024-07-29 13:41:22 +0300] [301491] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 22.0.0
[2024-07-29 13:41:22 +0300] [301491] [INFO] Listening at: (301491)
[2024-07-29 13:41:22 +0300] [301491] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2024-07-29 13:41:22 +0300] [301537] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 301537
[2024-07-29 13:41:22 +0300] [301538] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 301538
Jul 29 13:41:23 2024 (301485) bounces runner started.
[29/Jul/2024:13:45:52 +0300] "GET /3.1/domains HTTP/1.1" 200 333 "-" "GNU
Mailman REST client v3.3.5"
[29/Jul/2024:13:45:52 +0300] "GET /3.1/domains/lists.wash.lan HTTP/1.1" 200
228 "-" "GNU Mailman REST client v3.3.5"
[29/Jul/2024:13:45:52 +0300] "GET /3.1/users/odhiambo@gmail.com HTTP/1.1"
200 395 "-" "GNU Mailman REST client v3.3.5"
[29/Jul/2024:13:45:52 +0300] "POST /3.1/lists/find HTTP/1.1" 200 503 "-"
"GNU Mailman REST client v3.3.5"
Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
In an Internet failure case, the #1 suspect is a constant: DNS.
"Oh, the cruft.", egrep -v '^$|^.*#' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :-)
[How to ask smart questions: