Hello developers!
There are three big features still in progress for Mailman 3.1, the templates branch, MySQL support, and unsubscription workflow. There is already a merge request for MySQL support and I'm hoping to merge that soon. Abhilash is also working on the unsubscription workflow feature but there's no MR for that yet.
The templates feature is very nearly done, so I think now is a good time to ask for testing, feedback, and review. This is a generalization of the welcome_message_uri feature in MM3.0 where you could specify e.g. the welcome message as a URL to download and cache when necessary. This is important because Core doesn't know whether there is even a web ui (e.g. Postorius) involved, or where things like clickable links to unsubscribe would be. Sites also want to customize footers to include information like codes of conduct, etc.
Now (or when this branch lands), you will be able to specify a URL to retrieve any template that Mailman uses internally, whether they are confirmation messages, bounce probes, welcome and goodbye messages, etc. These can be templates for administrators, users, and members.
Because I'm hoping to get some reviews, I'll point you at the documentation for more details:
The branch did end up being much bigger and tentacled than I expected, but it's all hanging together pretty well now, and all the tests pass. There's still a small number of to-dos, but some of them will get punted, and the others won't have a major effect on the overall use and visibility of the feature.
Note also that if you interact with the REST API v3.0, nothing changes externally, but the old IMailingList attributes are mapped onto the new templates mechanism. API v3.1 is where you see all the actual new feature end-points exposed. Of course, any MM2 list converted to MM3.1 will use the new templates stuff too.
Feedback very much welcome, either here or on the MR:
I'd like to land this some time in the next week or so. Then I'll work on the other two big branches and start to release some betas.
Cheers, -Barry