I'm not sure about the error, but the import21 process registered you so what you need to do is go to the Login page, click "Forgot Password?" and then request a password reset.
The reset also failed with the error message that okay I have finished a few more steps on the way to containerized mailman ;-)
The mailman-web container also needs the environment variables which tells mailman-core to use postfix on an other host for delvery.
But still I can't recover a password. It always tells me "Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist keinem Konto zugeordnet" which means "This e-mail address is not assigned to any account". But when I now register I can see all the lists which I'm assigned to. So basically my problem was the missing environment variables
- MTA=postfix - SMTP_HOST=mail I though it's only needed for the core container but they also need to be assigned to the web container.
With best Regards Uwe Grasshoff