Mark, we've been testing some adjustments to Postfix. We're especially overwhelmed when several large lists are being processed within the space for 10-30 minute. You can see the added delay in the log output below when 2 distinct messages arrive within a couple of minutes of each other. The second message ended up being delayed by over 20 minutes. We have multiple lists with member over 500 members. So we've had scenarios where the backlog quickly increases to an hour.
Any thoughts?
Apr 05 20:09:14 2311185cccaa postfix/cleanup[889]: 6EC481C0EA7: message-id=<17b327d5-f77b-edf1-fdbc-49367a94b511@caltech.edu> Apr 05 20:17:17 2022 (269) <17b327d5-f77b-edf1-fdbc-49367a94b511@caltech.edu> smtp to marketplace@caltech.edu for 1615 recips, completed in 477.0642318725586 seconds
Apr 05 20:11:42 2311185cccaa postfix/cleanup[889]: E8DF61C0EA7: message-id=<606c4be2-1b74-0d00-77b9-49bf07e696d3@caltech.edu> Apr 05 20:42:10 2022 (269) <606c4be2-1b74-0d00-77b9-49bf07e696d3@caltech.edu> smtp to marketplace@caltech.edu for 1615 recips, completed in 1487.8184821605682 seconds