Is post-installation documentation available for a full Mailman3 installation on a new Debian 11 machine?
I am looking for a high-level "do these steps next to get a list working" document rather than an API command reference.
I followed the venv documentation and the installation went ok, but still have questions about what to do next, e.g.:
- why do the venv docs and admin FAQ give different nginx configs for the reverse proxy?
Does the 'Secret_Hyperkitty_API_Key' need to go anywhere else besides /opt/mailman/mm/mailman-hyperkitty.cfg?
For Django (presumably in /etc/mailman3/settings.py, but the docs don't say), what values to use with Postfix to set up the email back end?
I have a working test list, but am not altogether sure it's set up correctly.
Thanks in advance for pointers to docs beyond the installation steps.