I imported MM2.1 lists to Mailman3 (using import21 - details are in my previous messages to mailman-users), and have had a couple of reports of people for whom the password reset function via "Forgot password" on the list login screen doesn't work as expected.
This is a venv installation using PostgreSQL as the database:
$ mailman info GNU Mailman 3.3.9 (Tom Sawyer) Python 3.12.3 (main, Jul 31 2024, 17:43:48) [GCC 13.2.0] config file: /etc/mailman3/mailman.cfg db url: postgresql://mailman:redacated@localhost/mailman devmode: DISABLED REST root url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/ REST credentials: restadmin:redacted
The user selects "Forgot password" and enters their email - which I've confirmed is subscribed and receiving messages. They get this email:
You are receiving this email because you, or someone else, tried to access an account with email redactaed@gmail.com. However, we do not have any record of such an account in our database. This mail can be safely ignored if you did not initiate this action. If it was you, you can sign up for an account using the link below.
I looked in the PostgreSQL address table and confirmed the entry is there, and also of course looked at the Members list in the web-based front end. Everything looks ok.
I suspect that lots of people will have the same problem, but have not yet tried to login & reset their password. The earlier reports indicated that people's saved passwords did not work, but I haven't replicated that.
Any advice on what's going on and how to address it? I've migrated over 200 lists with thousands of users, so would rather not need to deal with every user via the web-based front end. But at this point I don't even know what to try to fix things. With the previous reports I unsubscribed the user and had them resubscribe - that worked as expected but required back-and-forth discussion and, more importantly, user inconvenience.
Thanks, Greg Newby