Sept. 22, 2021
6:42 a.m.
On Tue, 21 Sept 2021 at 17:59, Torge Riedel <torgeriedel@gmx.de> wrote:
Am 21.09.21 um 15:20 schrieb Philip Colmer:
sharing your configuration
I do. What configuration do you need? There is no special rspamd config in mailman3 on my setup.
I'm specifically after the full configuration for arc and dkim_signing, i.e. the output from "rspamadm configdump arc" and "rspamadm configdump dkim_signing".
I'm having a lot of trouble getting DKIM headers rewritten by Rspamd after Mailman 3 has altered the subject line and added the signature to the body and that, in turn, seems to then be causing Rspamd to not add the ARC headers.
I'm hoping that if I can see a working config, I'll then be able to get it all sorted out.
Many thanks.