I have a question on bounce handling. I get the impression that bounces are just lost and neither handled nor forwarded to the list admin. Is this a known problem? I am running mailman from git, but about version 3.1 and use postfix. I find lots of things in the bounceevents table. Is there any way to find out more on these events? I probably can configure postfix to send listname-bounce@domain to an admin adress. Or for that matter hack mailman to send it to the correct admin.
Also the DKIM mitigation does not seem to detect DKIM domains. If I force the mitigation for all mails it works but that of course has annoying consequences although mostly cosmetic. This has caused quite a number of bounces for my lists (as well as being temporarily banned by at least Microsoft).
I'm thinking of upgrading to a later version. What is the latest version that might be a good idea to install today? I install from gitlab.
cheers // David