Hi Mark,
thanks for your reply.
In my debian apt-get install the "mysql+pymysq" sentence was now automaticly set. My Debian dbconfig-mysql dependency refers to maria-db.
I had some problem of creating the database due to right-problems with dbconfig. So I created the database manually and set permissions to the database-user manually. The results were shown yesterday.
Now I am stopping all efforts on fiddeling with mailman3, re-setup my server in order to get rid of all that python stuff and will use mailman 2.1 which runs without problems and does all things I need. A sql-membermanagement would be useful, but in this version not available.
And wait for an official mailman upgrade within the debian stretch stable ...
Thank you for your efforts.
Am 12.03.2018 um 02:24 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
On 03/11/2018 03:11 PM, Wolfgang Bock wrote:
-> After I set a symlink to /sbin/master another errormessage occurs
- connection to maria-db In debian stretch maria-db is running. In my mailman.cfg I set: [database] class: mailman.database.mysql.MySQLDatabase url: mysql+pmysql://#username#:#user-pawo#@localhost/#databasename#?charset=utf8&use_unicode=1
should that be mysql+pymysql ? -> Yes, according to: http://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/docs/database.html -> Not right??
My point is you have 'mysql+pmysql' and you should have 'mysql+pymysql'. You are missing the first 'y' in 'pymysql'.
After that I decided to delete mailman via pip and took a new approach via debians apt-get ... mailman 3
So far so good, now new errormessage:
Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: module 'mailman.database.mysql' has no attribute 'MYSQLDatabase'
Did you install the Debian dbconfig-mysql dependency? I don't know how installation of mailman3-core determines which if any of the database dependencies, but you need that for sure to support MySQL/MariaDB.
Another question is, where can I find the sql-command within the database mailman3 like CREATE TABLE x and TABLE y as I created a database mailman3 which is empty??
The database may be empty because of the above error and the fact you haven't yet done anything.
All the database access is via SQLAlchemy and models defined in Mailman's mailman/models/ directory. See <http://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/model/docs/model.html>.